Compass Medical

Modern Methods of Diagnosing Infertility, Used In Germany

The company “Compass Medical” provides a full range of services for the organization of infertility treatment in Germany, without involving mediators: selecting the best reproductive centers, preparing and translating the necessary documentation, meeting at the airport, settlement, pairing and coordination of all stages of treatment.

The company, “Compass Medical”, offers advanced assisted reproductive technologies in specialized clinics that offer a full range of modern medical services for the treatment of infertility. German clinics of artificial insemination and family planning centers are rightfully considered to be the leading in the countries of Europe.

In Germany, specialized centers of reproductive medicine have been successfully working for families who want to overcome infertility for many years. Germany’s experienced reproductive doctors strive for high results of their activities, use innovative methods of diagnosing and treating infertility causes, in conjunction with the latest medical equipment and medicines, which allows them to receive consistently the best indicators of infertility problems and the birth of healthy children in the vast majority of patients.

Infertility is used in vitro fertilization (IVF). This method is also introduced and applied in medical institutions in some CIS countries, but at the moment, due to the fact that in some countries ECO has only begun to apply, the effectiveness is not high. The achievement of positive results can, sometimes, take many years. In this respect, artificial insemination in Germany is distinguished by its effectiveness, thanks to innovative methods used by German doctors.

Modern methods of diagnosing infertility, used in Germany before the procedure of artificial insemination.

The company “Compass Medical” recommends the conduct of detailed examinations immediately before the procedure of artificial insemination to identify the causes of childlessness, to determine the methods of infertility treatment and to find the optimal solution for increasing the chances of artificial conception. This requires a survey of a married couple.

Methods of examining women:

  • tracking the menstrual cycle – to accurately determine the day of onset of ovulation. The doctor receives the information by means of ultrasound and a blood test to the level of estradiol.
  • determination of hormones – taking blood and conducting an analysis to determine the level of hormones in the blood.
  • Ultrasound examination of ultrasound of the ovaries. The procedure allows to evaluate the functioning of the ovaries, check the patency of the fallopian tubes, diagnose endometriosis, adhesions and other pathological changes affecting fertility.
  • a general blood test, and a blood test to identify cancer markers, rubella and cytomegalovirus.
  • taking a swab from the cervical canal to detect infections (ureaplasma, chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonorrhea, herpes, gardnerella, etc.).
  • Hysteroscopy of the uterus and examination of the fallopian tubes – a procedure for examining the walls of the uterus, helping to identify available intrauterine pathologies, remove polyps and, if necessary, to make a tissue biopsy.
  • postcoital test – diagnosis, which the doctor conducts after a hollow act between partners at the time of ovulation. The specialist makes a fence of swabs from the vagina and determines the compatibility of spermatozoa and the microflora of the uterus.

Methods of examination of men:

  • a blood test to determine the content of hormones.
  • spermogram – a procedure for examining seminal fluid to determine the quality and quantity of spermatozoa and their ability to fertilize.
  • palpation and ultrasound – ultrasound of the scrotum and testes to monitor the condition of the seminal vesicles and the prostate.
  • semen research – a procedure for examining seminal fluid to determine the quality and quantity of spermatozoa and their ability to fertilize.
  • biopsy of testicular tissue – the procedure is performed as a last resort, as a result of the fact that tests and methods of treatment did not help to get active spermatozoa. A biopsy helps to find sperm in a male, suitable for artificial insemination.

After the reproductive physician receives the results of the analysis and diagnostic procedures, the expert evaluates the couple’s chances of having an independent conception, if necessary, can prescribe the appropriate treatment for a couple and carefully prepares for the most suitable method of artificial insemination.

Cost of diagnosis and preparation of the pair.

The price for this type of service in Germany varies. The final cost will depend on the list of diagnostic tests and prescription drugs.

Types of Artificial Insemination in Germany.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the most popular method of artificial insemination. ECO is carried out outside the body, that is, in the conditions of the laboratory or, as they say, “in vitro”. The procedure involves the collection of mature eggs in a woman, fertilization with their partner sperm, monitoring the development of the embryo in a laboratory and the subsequent transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity.

Intrauterine fertilization – to treat infertility in Germany, this method is used, in the case when the partner has an insufficient number of spermatozoa or they are inactive. There is a stimulation of the ovaries, and then the introduction of already laboratory-prepared semen into the uterine cavity.

ICSI fertilization (ICSI) – In the case of pronounced weakness of spermatozoa, the ICSI method is used, in which, as with the IVF method, an ovum is first obtained by hormonal stimulation and puncture of the follicle. Further under a special microscope, the spermatozoon is sucked into the superthin hollow needle and injected directly into the ovum. This method of fertilization occurs outside the mother’s body. Unlike the usual stimulation in the IVF method, maturation of several eggs is achieved, which are then taken for fertilization. Under light anesthesia, ripened follicles are pierced with a cannula in order to remove the egg from there. Then the egg, together with the spermatozoon, is placed in a Petri dish. After a 24-hour stay in the incubator, the specialists under the microscope carry out a control to determine the fact of the fusion of the ovum with the sperm. If this happens, after a lapse of 2-3 days, a woman is injected with a maximum of three embryos. With a favorable prognosis of the course of pregnancy, the future mother may later be observed at her home gynecologist.

Hormonal stimulation, under the control of ultrasound examination, is performed. Ovarian stimulation on the 2nd-3rd day of the cycle, repeated – on the 6th-8th day of the cycle. When the follicles reach the optimal size, an injection that causes ovulation is injected. Ovulation usually occurs in 36 hours. Further, the expert determines the optimal time for the sexual act to be made for fertilization.

Drug treatment – in Germany in the field of reproductive medicine research activities are constantly carried out; improved preparations are being created in biotechnology enterprises and pharmaceutical companies for infertility treatment in Germany. A new generation of medicines is more effective and have a low risk of being tolerated.

Assisted insemination – in modern medicine instead of “artificial insemination” it is customary to use “assisted fertilization”. This means that the available methods of medicine – only support the process of fertilization, and the very fusion of the egg and sperm is still a natural process.

Freezing of eggs – in the treatment of infertility in Germany, patients have the opportunity to save eggs for many years. The main advantage of this service is that if, during stimulation, pregnancy does not come and you need to repeat treatment again, then you do not need to re-stimulate.

Prices for infertility treatment in Germany depend on many factors. Get a free consultation about the treatment and find out the approximate cost, you can in the medical company “Compass Medical”. (To do this, use the Contact service

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